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CAS Number: 8007-69-0
Sweet Almond oil is obtained from the kernel of the shelled fruit from the tree of the same name (Prunus Dulcis), a tree that grows mainly in the Mediterranean region and southwestern United States (mainly California). The oil content of shelled almonds is 50-60%. Pressed unrefined oil is dark yellow and with a characteristic odour. The refined oil is light yellow, bright and are almost odourless. Low viscosity oil. High oleic and linoleic content and as such it is considered a fatty oil. Rich in squalene, vitamin E and beta-sitosterol (about 85% of total sterols). Good penetration into the upper layers of the skin.

Apply to dry, sensitive and irritable skin. It is used in body formulations (bath oils, massages …) for both adult and baby care. In facial formulations it is used as a make-up remover and is especially soothing for sensitive skins as cosmetic conditioner. Widely used as a base oil and a universal carrier of other oils or active ingredients. Excellent emollient (leaves the skin soft and smooth) and skin conditioner providing elasticity. Low viscosity oil.
